Infratil Limited
Brand identity and communications for a New Zealand-based infrastructure investment company Infratil Limited. Its diversified interests include renewable energy, digital infrastructure, airports, and healthcare assets with operations in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, the United States and Europe.
In today’s world, we have come to expect change. However, after twenty-four consecutive annual reports, the company’s request had always been the same. ‘Deliver a more direct, compelling and engaging message than the previous year’. The information was always driven by the company’s vision and strategy for that particular year.
The organisation had never been hesitant to stand out and to do so in a way that would always be distinct and not be reactive to the expectations of others. I believe it to be most unusual that a major corporation would be prepared to release four individual covers for the same annual report. It’s a little strange but enormously full of self-belief.

Infratil Limited
Brand identity and communications for a New Zealand-based infrastructure investment company Infratil Limited. Its diversified interests include renewable energy, digital infrastructure, airports, and healthcare assets with operations in New Zealand, Australia, Asia, the United States and Europe.
In today’s world, we have come to expect change. However, after twenty-four consecutive annual reports, the company’s request had always been the same. ‘Deliver a more direct, compelling and engaging message than the previous year’. The information was always driven by the company’s vision and strategy for that particular year.
The organisation had never been hesitant to stand out and to do so in a way that would always be distinct and not be reactive to the expectations of others. I believe it to be most unusual that a major corporation would be prepared to release four individual covers for the same annual report. It’s a little strange but enormously full of self-belief.