PT Propan Raya
In refreshing the identity for one of Indonesia’s largest paint manufacturers, a commitment was made to a single dominant corporate colour that would differentiate the company from its industry competitors and unify all packaging and communications.
A campaign to introduce the reinvigorated brand and create a greater connection to the local population was the theme of ‘think paint, think Propan’. Connection from product to purpose was achieved through the use of the tools for paint application and a product usage outcome.

PT Propan Raya

In refreshing the identity for one of Indonesia’s largest paint manufacturers, a commitment was made to a single dominant corporate colour that would differentiate the company from its industry competitors and unify all packaging and communications.
A campaign to introduce the reinvigorated brand and create a greater connection to the local population was the theme of ‘think paint, think Propan’. Connection from product to purpose was achieved through the use of the tools for paint application and a product usage outcome.