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TangYouGuanJia (Beijing) Health

China has over half the world’s diabetic population. TYGJ focused its attention in developing products and programmes that would assist those managing the disease. The disease relates heavily to blood cell management which inspired the brand’s supporting graphic language. The cellular language was pivotal in differentiating and communicating the source of products.

The television storyboards for the opening credit for a programme that encourages Chinese people to ask questions relation to the disease. Key topics centred around food management, exercise, testing and medication. To assist in the measurement of food, a simple method for using the human hand was developed.

TangYouGuanJia (Beijing) Health

China has over half the world’s diabetic population. TYGJ focused its attention in developing products and programmes that would assist those managing the disease. The disease relates heavily to blood cell management which inspired the brand’s supporting graphic language. The cellular language was pivotal in differentiating and communicating the source of products.

The television storyboards for the opening credit for a programme that encourages Chinese people to ask questions relation to the disease. Key topics centred around food management, exercise, testing and medication. To assist in the measurement of food, a simple method for using the human hand was developed.