Infratil Limited
NZ Bus
One national bus brand was perceived as too far removed from the personal needs of the smaller communities of New Zealand. To encourage customer relationships, different company names and bus brands were assigned to each community. To further the familiarisation, the introduction of driver name badges encouraged the relationship.

To contribute to environmental initiatives, sixty-two new electric trolley buses were introduced to the City of Wellington. The GO2 buses capitalised on the natural environmental attributes of the city.

Infratil Limited
NZ Bus

One national bus brand was perceived as too far removed from the personal needs of the smaller communities of New Zealand. To encourage customer relationships, different company names and bus brands were assigned to each community. To further the familiarisation, the introduction of driver name badges encouraged the relationship.

To contribute to environmental initiatives, sixty-two new electric trolley buses were introduced to the City of Wellington. The GO2 buses capitalised on the natural environmental attributes of the city.