PLUNA Líneas Aéreas Uruguayas S.A.
Pluna Airways
When possible, speak in a language and utilise symbolism that is already understood. A direct translation of the country’s name ‘Uruguay’ (a river of colourful birds), provided the visual solution for the brand identity for the country’s national airline. The instant recognition of the concept came after ornithological consultation and confirmation as to the birds that inhabited the river plate between Uruguay and Argentina.
Applying the graphic trademark of the river of birds in different colour schemes to each aircraft, helped to fully realise the potential of the idea. At any airport, the gathered fleet clearly demonstrated and enhanced the well-understood literal interpretation of the country’s name and positioned the brand in the hearts and minds of the people of Uruguay.

PLUNA Líneas Aéreas Uruguayas S.A.
Pluna Airways

When possible, speak in a language and utilise symbolism that is already understood. A direct translation of the country’s name ‘Uruguay’ (a river of colourful birds), provided the visual solution for the brand identity for the country’s national airline. The instant recognition of the concept came after ornithological consultation and confirmation as to the birds that inhabited the river plate between Uruguay and Argentina.
Applying the graphic trademark of the river of birds in different colour schemes to each aircraft, helped to fully realise the potential of the idea. At any airport, the gathered fleet clearly demonstrated and enhanced the well-understood literal interpretation of the country’s name and positioned the brand in the hearts and minds of the people of Uruguay.